Volunteer Recognition

Volunteers are truly the heart of our PTA and the efforts of our leaders deserve to be recognized. Thank that special person who acts as a tireless advocate for children’s education, health, and well-being by honoring them with one of the following awards.Texas PTA Lifetime Membership 

Honorary Lifetime Membership is one of the highest honors that may be presented to individuals for outstanding service to children and youth.Vaughan PTA has recognized many wonderful volunteers over the years for this award. Congratulations to Jody Kreska, Lynn Gyarmathy, and Tina Valleau, Vaughan's 2022 honorees. Previous years' honorees include:


Beth Monsen Laurie Malone Susan Beazley
Corinne Kahil Lisa Heath Susan Polansky
Don Jung Mike Stanton Susan Waring
Justine Anderson Nancy Compton Kendyl Glanz 
Kara Sanchez Sarah Welch Tonya Jasenof
Karen Stanton Starr Taylor  Danh Nguyen 
Karen Standefer Michelle Soong Allison Almand

Ashley Nelson

Julie Van Boerum Shirley Bayles

Karen Langford

Melissa Dreher Nera Van Ark
PTA Extended Service Award

Congratulations to Julie Van Boerum, who has been recognized with the PTA Extended Service Award. This honor may be presented to those who have continued to give outstanding service to the Texas PTA over a significant amount of time. The recipient must have been actively involved in the Texas PTA for at least 10 years and be a Texas PTA Honorary Life Member. 

Citizenship Awards
Allen ISD Council of PTAs Citizenship Awards are given out to teachers, staff, and parent volunteers who give their time and effort to support our schools. These individuals are nominated because they go above and beyond what is expected and make a difference for our children. Congratulations to all our past recipients:

Dottie Stone
Shauntay Williams
Lindsey Walker
Nhan Anderson

Allison Almand
Kathryn Higman, R.N.
Nera Basco Van Ark
Kathleen O’Connor

Melissa Dreher
Keri Hatcher
Laurie Malone
Karen Langford

Laura Shaikh
Manuela Jimenez
Stephanie Dsouza
Nancy Compton
Shirley Bayles

Navaneetha Bhat

Leah Dymock

Laurie Malone

Casey Duckworth

Tina Valleau

Shawn Glover

Danh Nguyen

Ashley Nelson

Heather Starnes

Dr. Alison Smithwick

Dillon Powers

Shanelle Campbell

Melissa Dreher

Manuela Jimenez

Kathleen O'Connor

Erin Little

Nera Van Ark

Julie Van Boerum

Mady Acosta

Deb Purcell

Nikki Robertson

Tonya Jasenof

Laura Nguyen

Julie Lambert

Heather Starnes

Mechelle Galyon

Karen Langford

Melissa Dreher

Josh & Renee Uberta

Alison Smithwick

Nera Van Ark

Beth Monsen

Karlye Kile

Michelle Valitutto

Krista Witt

Aimee Hilton

Julie Van Boerum

Annette Black

Cheryl Rothbauer