grade-level facebook groups

DID YOU KNOW? Each grade at Vaughan has their own FB group! Parents can join their group(s) and use them to connect with other parents and share information about homework, arrange group activities and for specific grade-level reminders. These groups are parent-led and not managed by the PTA.



Class of 2035 | Kinder


Class of 2036 | 1st Grade


Class of 2035 | 2nd Grade


Class of 2034 | 3rd Grade


Class of 2033 | 4th Grade


Class of 2032 | 5th Grade


Class of 2031 | 6th Grade

Class of 2030 | On to 7th

Class of 2029 | On to 8th

Class of 2028 | On to 9th

Class of 2027 | On to 10th

Class of 2026 | On to 11th

Class of 2025 | On to 12th