Heading back-to-school is hectic! Use this handy checklist and for smooth sailing.
- Phone Number Add Vaughan's phone number to your contact list: (972) 727-0470
- Skyward Bookmark Skyward Family Access, where you'll submit absence notes and access report cards & test scores
- Membership Toolkit Create your Membership Toolkit account for access to all of the Vaughan PTA info and forms
- Directory Info Update your directory preferences and information. The PTA directory is a great way to connect with other parents
- Class Field Trip Shirts Order your student's class shirt(s) for field trips
- Join PTA Register as a PTA member. PTA is for everyone! You won't have to volunteer or attend meetings unless you want to. Joining the PTA adds you to the email list for important school events.
- Traffic Flow Get ready for drop-off by watching Mrs. Jasenof's YouTube video on the traffic flow at Vaughan
- Calendars Download the district calendar for school holidays and early release days and check out the school's calendar for important school event dates
- Get Social Connect with PTA on Facebook and Instagram
- Volunteer Application Submit your volunteer application with AISD. A new application is required each year to volunteer on campus
- Volunteer Sign-up for volunteer opportunities at our school
- Community Partners Link your Kroger card with community rewards and sign up for Box Tops
- Grade-Level Groups Join the grade-level Facebook group for parents in your student's grade level
- E-Flyers Sign-up to receive PeachJar eFlyers
- My School Bucks Click here to create your My School Bucks account or add funds if your student purchases a lunch from the cafeteria. Unused funds roll over to the next school year at the end of the year.
- What's For Lunch? Set-up a MealViewer profile and download the app to see what's being served in the cafeteria each day
Volunteers Wanted!
Click Here for current volunteer opportunities.
School Events
- Friday, March 14
- Sunday, March 16
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20