April 29 - May 3, 2019

Join us in Celebrating our Super Vaughan Staff this week! Each day this week has a theme and you are welcome to participate with each of the themed days. This is always optional, but we do encourage families to share or celebrate in some way this week with our Vaughan Viking Staff and Teachers!


WE ARE NOT PLAYING ANY GAMES, WE APPRECIATE YOU TO PIECES! (all days are themed towards a board game title)

Monday: Don't cause any TROUBLE-

Bring your teacher a photo of you to remember you and this year. 


Tuesday: Let the DOMINOES fall where they may,

please bring your teacher or staff member their favorite snack, candy or soda today!

Wednesday: Students don’t let your teachers perform an OPERATION without knowing how much you appreciate them.

Bring a flower today! 


Thursday: Here’s a CLUE as to how much we appreciate you!

Students bring in a hand drawn picture of some kind to your favorite staff member

Friday: We have your TICKET TO RIDE!! 

Students bring anything you wish to thank your teacher or wear their favorite color today!


Don't forget you can also help donate lunch or the surprise gifts.